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Many people fear going to the dentist. However, at North County Dental Care, we offer sedation dentistry options for those that are anxious of the dental. They can be used for any procedures, whether an exam and cleaning, a root canal, or extraction. How it is used depends on your level of fear and your desire of the type of sedation to be used. Our goal is to make our patients comfortable throughout their experience at our Vista California dental office.

Sedation Dentistry Levels

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help our patients to relax during dental procedures. Most Patients are awake, just in a relaxed state, so their dental procedures can be done correctly while they are fully comfortable. This is known as minimal sedation. Conscious sedation is when patients are in a twilight and may not remember parts of the procedure itself. Deep sedation is a near unconscious state, while general anesthesia ensures the patient is fully out.

Types Used

Inhaled minimal sedation is nitrous oxide or laughing gas that helps a patient to replace. We can control the amount of sedation used and the gas does wear off quickly. Oral sedation is a pill that can be taken before the procedure similar to that of a Valium, that makes a patient drowsy, but they’re awake. IV sedation works quicker and can be adjusted throughout a procedure, this can be moderate or fully deep sedation where a patient is knocked out.

Schedule an Appointment to Discuss Sedation Dentistry Options in Vista CA

At North County Dental Care, we are committed to offering sedation dentistry options to our patients. To learn more about the levels of sedation dentistry, schedule an appointment with our professional dental team today by calling us at (760) 940-4266.