Oral surgeons perform various oral surgeries to resolve all types of problems. Read on to learn about the most common reasons oral surgeons must perform oral surgery on their patients.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are the third molars and are the last teeth to develop in your mouth. In some cases, these teeth erupt and do not cause the patient any problems, but it is more common for wisdom teeth not to erupt fully and not be properly aligned. When this happens, the wisdom teeth become impacted between the jawbone and the gums, which will eventually affect the health of the surrounding teeth.
Dental Implants
People looking to replace missing teeth with dental implants will need to undergo surgery so that the dental surgeon can implant a metal post into their jawbone. This metal post will then fuse with the patient’s bone and gum tissue over time to create a sturdy foundation for a crown, or realistic-looking artificial tooth, to be placed. This oral surgery is an excellent option for those who have lost any teeth and would like to have a long-term treatment option.
Dental surgeons can also perform biopsies on any lesions in a patient’s mouth to check for oral cancer. During the surgery, they will remove a small piece of tissue and send it to a lab for analysis.
Jaw Surgery
People often need jaw surgery when their jaws aren’t properly aligned, and it begins to cause problems with their appearance and function. In order to resolve misaligned jaws, oral surgery is often necessary to restore their functions.
Sleep Apnea
If a person suffering from sleep apnea finds that other treatments do not work, an oral surgeon can remove excess tissue at the back of the throat to help reduce their symptoms.
Reconstructive Surgery
Oral surgeons can also perform surgeries for those who have facial injuries or knocked-out teeth. More specifically, they can replace any damaged or missing teeth, repair any gum or jawbone damage, and correct the patient’s jaw joint issues.
If you would like to learn more about the various types of oral surgeries, give North County Dental Care a call today at 760.940.4266!
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