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What Are the Most Common Dental Emergencies?

In a recent article by the American Dental Association, there seem to be many types of dental emergencies that should be treated at the emergency dentist’s office rather than the emergency room. However, now we must decipher what dental emergencies require a...

What are the best teeth whitening options?

There is no doubt how powerful a whiter smile can be in improving your confidence. Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular dental procedures today because obtaining a brighter and whiter smile is more achievable than ever. With the various methods available...

Traditional Braces vs. Invisalign

If you are looking to straighten your teeth, you probably know a bit about traditional braces and Invisalign. Because getting braces may seem like a huge step and commitment, it is best to know the pros and cons of all your options so that you choose the best for you...

Is wisdom teeth extraction necessary?

Many people often question their dentists’ recommendation to remove their wisdom teeth because they don’t hurt. For years, this oral surgery has become a standard procedure; however, it is not always necessary. Read on to learn more about whether wisdom...